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The God of Small Things

Mahmud Alam

Mahmud Alam

before the shoot Scene: Introduction

Making of The God Of Small Things

Making of The God Of Small Things

The Director (center) with Producer (center-left) and cameraman (center-below) busy shooting a scene while the local villagers surrounds them.

Samin & Hashi

Samin & Hashi

before the shoot Scene: Introduction

The crew during a shoot

The crew during a shoot

Yann Seweryn and Mohesh

Yann Seweryn and Mohesh

Yann Seweryn (the DOP) talking with Mohesh (the cow) before the shoot of The God Of Small Things (Film)

the director and his cinematographer

the director and his cinematographer

Saud and Yann

Saud  (director) working with DOP

Saud (director) working with DOP

Director Saud and DOP Yann is choreographing Mohesh and Goutom during a scene.

The God Of Small Things: Locals

The God Of Small Things: Locals

The local villagers are the essence of neorealist film.

The crew and the crowd

The crew and the crowd

The crew before a shoot planning to capture the breath-taking landscape of the Bengals during monsoon and magic hour.

Saud Jubaer during the shoot

Saud Jubaer during the shoot

Goutom warming up

Goutom warming up

Mahmud Alam (center) warming up before a shoot while the team is busy deciding the framing

The village life

The village life

Saud Jubaer & Yann Seweryn

Saud Jubaer & Yann Seweryn

director (right) with cinematographer (left) during the ploughing scene of Mohesh

Prince and Haris

Prince and Haris

preparing for the theater scene

Cremation team

Cremation team

The Hindu Villagers and and the local cremation team acted and performed a cremation in the film.

The cremation during the sun set

The cremation during the sun set

Scene: celebrating death

documenting the village life

documenting the village life

Saud is looking through camera while Yann is positioning himself for frame adjustments.

Help from the community

Help from the community

The village people helping to create natural light for the shoot

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